Thursday 6 February 2014

Social Networking

We have created accounts on social networking sites for our artist. The first one that we created was on an application called Instagram. This is because it is currently a popular social networking site that is used by many meaning that we will be able to make connections with our audience. Our target audience would typically be between the ages of 16-19 and therefore many of them would be members of this site. We like Instagram because it allows you to upload pictures. As you can see, the first image we uploaded on Faith's account was of some decks showing that she is in a music studio. This would immediately tell anyone who is viewing her profile that her occupation is to do with the music industry. The next picture that we uploaded was of one of our filming days at the beach. We uploaded this because it is a cool and interesting image that Faith's fans would probably be interested by. From researching of social networking sites, I am aware of the types of images that artist upload and they often upload images of filming days and days in studio in order to promote their new singles or new albums or simply just themselves as an artist. Among the uploads we have posted an image that would be known today as a 'selfie'. This is a new way of photographing yourself that almost every mainstream teenager does and it has become very popular due to social networking sites: such as Instagram and Twitter. By creating an instagram account we are providing our target audience with another form of communication. It allows the audience to make connections with their idol, Faith, and be aware of what is it that she is up to. Without this branding would not be as successful and so on.

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